Digital Issue 01

Digital Issue 01, Nov 2017
ETHOS Digital Issue 01
For the inaugural issue of our ETHOS Digital Edition, we feature Jocelyne Bourgon, Max Everest-Phillips, Catherine Fieschi, as well as participants of CSC's Leaders in Governance Programme.

by Alvin PangBetween print issues , we are introducing a new digital-only edition of ETHOS, with articles of general interest to public policy and governance in Singapore. These will include interviews, reviews, lectures and opinion pieces, as well as more media-rich material to come, as we find fresh ways to present and consider important perspectives.

The New Synthesis in the Field: Conversation with Jocelyne Bourgon
Jocelyne BourgonFive key challenges can hinder efforts to put previous time, effort and resources to their best uses. Here's how to identify and address them.

Review: The New Synthesis of Public Administration Fieldbook
Max Everest-PhillipsWe should acknowledge our deep connection to our work and learn from what we have gained from each experience, as we refocus on new challenges.

Opinion: Identities and Institutions—The Needs of a New Era
by Catherine FieschiEffective stakeholder communication can help ease disruption and promote buy-in for new goals if projects have to be modified or deprioritised.

Roundtable: How Technology is Transforming the Public Sector
with Dato Paduka Ahmaddin Haji Abdul Rahman, Ms Anna Roy, and Mr Declan HughesAround the world, countries have sought to enhance their workers’ prospects with closer partnerships between sectors, greater clarity about learning goals, more flexibility with educational modes, and ensuring access to training for those who need it most.

Insights: Using Data
Book Review: The Bias That Divides Us: The Science and Politics of Myside Thinking by Keith Stanovich.