Ethos Issue 03

Issue 03, Oct 2007
ETHOS Issue 03
The phenomenal growth brought about by globalisation has also dramatically widens the gap between the haves and the have-nots, on a worldwide scale. What more can be done to mitigate the impact of wage stagnation and inequality? Featuring thought leaders such as Martha Nussbaum, Lawrence M. Mead and Timothy F. Geithner.

Dr Alvin PangThe phenomenal growth globalization has generated has also dramatically widened the gap between the haves and the have-nots, on a worldwide scale. Social provisions and national policies formulated a generation ago are struggling to cope with the demands of today’s interconnected marketplaces and accelerated flows of capital and labour.

Rethinking a New Social Compact for Singapore
Yeoh Lam KeongTo address globalisation’s unprecedented challenges, Singapore may need to rethink—and not just tweak—its social safety net.

Growth with Equity: The Challenge of Income Distribution
Kenneth Chan“…the issue is not how much inequality there is, but how much opportunity there is for the individual to get out of the bottom classes and into the top.” – Milton Friedman

Globalisation and the Challenges of Social Policy in Asia’s Developed Open Economies
Wong Chack-kieTo meet the changing needs and aspirations of a more affluent and diverse population, Singapore’s public housing will have to evolve in significant new directions in the coming decades.

Poverty, Capabilities and Social Justice
Interview with Martha C. NussbaumThe renowned social philosopher discusses her concept of essential human capabilities, and their implications for dealing with poverty and social development.

The Nordic Social Security Model: Squaring the Circle?
Koh Tsin YenThe Nordic states appear to have achieved an enviable balance between strong economic growth and generous welfare provisions, but they too face new pressures from globalisation.

Security with Self-Reliance: The Argument for the Singapore Model
Lim XiuhuiSingapore’s system of social security is based on enabling self-reliance, supported by strong family and social networks.

Singapore’s Social Support System: Two Anomalies
Chua Hak BinIn order for public transport in Singapore to compete with the lure of private cars, a radical overhaul in regulation and organisation may be necessary.

Wage Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility and Education in Singapore
Ho Kong WengWage equality and intergenerational educational mobility may be in long-term decline in Singapore.

Workfare: The Fourth Pillar of Social Security in Singapore
Jacqueline PohSingapore’s latest labour policy is more than a wage supplement scheme—it is a bold new addition to the social safety net in today’s volatile economic environment.

Aid for Work: The Singapore and US Models in Context
Theresa W. DevasahayamTheresa W. Devasahayam examines Singapore’s workfare strategy in light of the US model on which it is based, and finds key points of departure that could inform policy development in future.

Making Workfare Work: The US Experience
Interview with Lawrence M. MeadNew York University’s Professor Lawrence M. Mead discusses workfare and income inequality in light of the US experience after a decade of welfare reform.

The Singapore Model of Workfare: Three Suggestions
Hoon Hian TeckTo stay strategic in outlook and nimble in execution, the Singapore Armed Forces restructured its chain of command. Should the rest of the public sector follow suit?

The Asian Financial Crisis In Hindsight
Donald LowThe Asian Financial Crisis might well be the first major crisis of globalisation. Donald Low examines its causes and implications ten years on.

Indonesia in the Financial Crisis: Advent and Aftermath
Interview with Adam SchwarzThe Asian Financial Crisis might well be the first major crisis of globalisation. Donald Low examines its causes and implications ten years on.

Asia After the Crisis: What Now, What’s Next?
Interview with Timothy F. GeithnerTimothy F. Geithner, President and CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, discusses monetary and fiscal policy in the region a decade after the Asian Financial Crisis.